(Düsseldorf 1941)
Der Überfall
Luogo: Köln
Editore: Wolfgang Hake Verlag
Stampatore: Gustav Höhe
Anno: 1975
Legatura: brossura
Dimensioni: 25x25 cm.
Pagine: pp. [60]
Descrizione: libro d’artista senza testo con copertina illustrata e 26 tavole applicate con immagini fotografiche in bianco e nero accompagnate da una didascalia esplicativa, stampate su carta color cipria. Tiratura di 350 esemplari. Prime edizione.
Bibliografia: Lailach 2005: pag. 112; Lippert 1988: pp. 53-55 con illustrazioni e pag. 98; Parr - Badger 2006: pag. 157 con illustrazioni; Roth - Aaron - Lehmann 2017: pp. 122-123
Prezzo: € 1000ORDINA / ORDER
"Während «Billeder af Feldmann» und «Bilder/Pictures» von Feldmann mitgestaltete Kataloge anläßlich von Austellungen sind, benutzt Feldmann in den übrigen Titeln das Medium Buch, um in grösserem Umfang bildfolgen zu zeigen und mediale Zusamenhänge aufzuzeigen. Exemplarisch dafür ist "Der Überfall", 1975 im Wolfgang Hake Verlag erschienen, in dem Feldmann Die Zeitungsfotos, die einen Überfall mit Geiselnahme dokumentieren, unkommentiert aber geordnet zusammenstellt und ihres Umfeldes beraubt, reproduziert". (Lippert). "«Der Überfall» does not look at the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon directly, but at the kind of caper the group carried out: an armed bank robbery. It takes the form of a scrapbook - facsimiles of actual newspaper photographs and cuttings are tipped in, charting the course of an early morning bank raid in the town of Hilden that went wrong leading to the takng of hostages, a ransom demand, ten hours pf stand-off and the eventual shooting of the rabber in the tight – an injury that he inflicted upon himself. Feldmann shows how different newspapers will take a key image, crop it differently, and through captions sometimes tell widely differing stories. How many perpetrators were there? How much was demands? What happened at the final shooting? Did the robber actually wound himself? By bulding up these differing accounts, built around the same images,Feldmann demonstrates how a piece of apparently incontrovertible, clear visual evidence is actually as evanescent and as murky as fog. TRANSLATION: FELDMANN Hans Peter (Düsseldorf 1941), Der Überfall, Köln, Wolfgang Hake Verlag, [printer: Gustav Höhe], 1975, 25x25 cm., paperback, [60] pp., artist’s book, illustration on cover and 26 pasted b/w photographic plates with caption, printed on pale pink paper. Edition of 350 copies. First edition. [Bibliography: Lailach 2005: pag. 112; Lippert 1988: pp. 53-55 illustrations and pag. 98; Parr - Badger 2006: pag. 157 with illustrations].