WEINER Lawrence
(New York, Bronx 1942 - 2021)
10 works
Luogo: [Paris]
Editore: Yvon Lambert Editeur
Stampatore: Imp Mazarine
Anno: [1971]
Legatura: brossura
Dimensioni: 17x10,9 cm
Pagine: pp. [88]
Descrizione: copertina tipografica, libro d’artista contenente una serie di 40 dichiarazioni dell’artista stampate al recto in inglese e tradotte al verso in francese. Tiratura di 1.000 copie. Edizione originale.
Bibliografia: Bury 2015: pag. 186; Delcroix 2011: pp. 194 e 436; Jurgerek - Koller - Federer - Stadler 2018: pag. 146; Lailach 2005: pag. 167; Roth - Aaron - Lehmann 2017: pag. 294; Mantura 1974: pag. 421; Schwarz 1989: n. 4; pag. 155
Prezzo: € 200ORDINA / ORDER
"In 10 WORKS, Weiner uses only adverbial propositions, adverbs of place that do not stand in isolation but are associated with a conjuction to form an idiomatic expression. The meaning of “DOWN AND OUT” is not equivalent to the meaning of “down” and “out” taken separately. Weiner undermines the figurative reading by presenting the words from front to back, then from back to front, thus insisting on their materiality (“DOWN AND OUT. / OUT AND DOWN.”), and then repeating the conjunction (“AND DOWN AND OUT. / AND OUT AND DOWN.”). This additive conjunction introduces the idea of progression and formally balances the composition. The words are organized according to principles of modernist art, such as parallelism and symmetry, but in language art, the formal arrangement it not autonomous; it signifies In consequence, these works deconstruct a strategy of modernism by reading its argumentliterally rather than formalistically. The figurative meaning of the expressions reverts to their literal meaning since the French version runs parallel to the English one. A reading results that is contingent on the situation, which refers to the gallery space in which the book was presented and therefore compels the reader to perform a “mental ballet”. (Schwarz).