EATON Manford L.
Luogo: Barton - Brownington - Berlin
Editore: Something Else Press
Stampatore: senza indicazione dello stampatore
Anno: 1974
Legatura: brossura
Dimensioni: 15,1x11,3 cm.
Pagine: pp. (8) 63 (5)
Descrizione: copertina illustrata con un grafico su fondo bianco, titoli in nero. Alcuni diagrammi e disegni n.t. Probabile tiratura di 500 esemplari. Prima edizione in volume.
Bibliografia: Peter Frank, «Something Else Press. An annotaded bibliography», s.l., McPherson & Company, 1983: pag. 64
Prezzo: € 120ORDINA / ORDER
Opera precedentemente pubblicata nel 1973 sulla rivista SOURCE.

"Bio-Music is the term used by ORCUS research to describe a class of electronic systems that use biological potentials in feedback loops to produce powerful, predictable, repeatable, physiological / psychological states that can be controlled in real time. The types of states that can be programmed are as powerful as chemical (drug) states, and the hallucinogenic powers of electronic sensory feedback system can be controlled and guided with a precision utterly impossible with chemical methods. We use the term Bio-Music because the stimulation of bio-organisms, trough sensory (aural and visual) and electrical stimulation in feedback loops, is presented by programming stimuli, in real time, and in a definite tome-rhythmic sequence - music is the traditional art most involved in real-time organization of sensory stimulation (individuals go to concerts to see as well as to hear sensory stimuli). The other traditional arts are less immediately related to real-time sensory feedback.” (dalla prefazione).