WEINER Lawrence
(New York, Bronx 1942 - 2021)
Luogo: Halifax - Nova Scotia
Editore: Nova Scotia: The Lithograph Workshop - College of Art and Design
Stampatore: N. D.
Anno: 1971
Legatura: brossura
Dimensioni: 16,9x11 cm.
Pagine: pp. [30]
Descrizione: libro d’artista con copertina tipografica, contenente una serie di 12 dichiarazioni dell’artista tradotte in sei diverse lingue: inglese, francese, italiano, tedesco, spagnolo e danese. Tiratura di 1.136 copie. Edizione originale.
Bibliografia: Delcroix 2011: pp. 193 e 436; Lailach 2005: pag. 167; Mantura 1974: pag. 421; Schwarz 1989: n. 5, pag. 149
Prezzo: € 200ORDINA / ORDER
"In FLOWED, a related work based on a similar structure, the partecipate of the verb, “to flow”, is associated with various adverbs to form both idiomatic and unexpected combinations. Eric Cameron suggests the transitive use of the verb in the sense of “to flow paint on the wall,” which would allow a painterly reading. Other readings take precedence, however: in contrast to the verbs presented in TRACES, “to flow” is generally intransitive and not used with an animate subject. The object therefore recedes altogether, and emphasis shifts towards the circumstances of the process. The works appear in seven arbitrarily chosen languages, three to a page so that their position varies. The representation evokes the idea of “flowing” or rather “flowed” because the process of formulation and translation is a past action that has come to a standstill in print, only to be set in motion again by the act of reading”. (Schwarz)