Luogo: s.l.
Editore: s. ed.
Stampatore: Culm Printing
Anno: 1972 [settembre/ottobre]
Legatura: poster ripiegato, stampato al solo recto
Dimensioni: 60,5x43 cm.
Pagine: N. D.
Descrizione: fotomontaggio, con l'immagine della scarpa utilizzata da George Maciunas per la serie di carte e buste intestate «Flux Stationery: Foot in Shoe», e testo in marron su fondo crema. Poster originale del «Fluxshoe» festival.
Bibliografia: N. D.
Prezzo: € 280ORDINA / ORDER
Testo: "Fluxshoe - Presentation of. A year long journey round a small country. Words, Playings, doings, mailings, works, ideas, jokes, playthings, givings and other -ings (no sms, please) past and present by present and past - fluxus peoples, their friends, co-workers, acquaintances and others. An influx of invasion of some of these crazy-serious artists, non-artists, jesters and geniuses creating and performing their demonstrations, doodles, drinks, dances - And disruptions". Al testo, al margine basso e in piccoli caratteri, segue l'elenco degli artisti partecipanti.
"FLUXSHOE began its journey around Britain in autumn 1972, with two very eventful visits to Falmouth and Exeter. After Oxford, it travelled to Edinburgh, Nottingham, Sunderland, and a few other cities. The venture was organised by David Mayor and Beau Geste Press, a community of artists living and working in Devon. The exhibition was unique in that it was the first time the differing activities of so many artists had been brought together and made available for viewing by an English public. Nearly 100 artists contributed to FLUXSHOE. The exhibition, as it appeared in Oxford, presented two aspects of these interdisciplinary practices: 1. A retrospective exhibit, including audio-visual materials that shows, and also documents, work done over the past decade by artists loosely associated with Fluxus; 2. Presentation of contemporary works, in the shape of actions, events, performances and objects. A truly international coterie of artists came to the UK to make special appearances at various stages of FLUXSHOE. Performances and events were different at each of these stages, dependent on who was present to contribute in person and on the unique qualities of each gallery and location" (Modern Art Oxford, «The Archive. Fluxshoe 1973», CHANNEL, 1 marzo 2016).
"FLUXSHOE began its journey around Britain in autumn 1972, with two very eventful visits to Falmouth and Exeter. After Oxford, it travelled to Edinburgh, Nottingham, Sunderland, and a few other cities. The venture was organised by David Mayor and Beau Geste Press, a community of artists living and working in Devon. The exhibition was unique in that it was the first time the differing activities of so many artists had been brought together and made available for viewing by an English public. Nearly 100 artists contributed to FLUXSHOE. The exhibition, as it appeared in Oxford, presented two aspects of these interdisciplinary practices: 1. A retrospective exhibit, including audio-visual materials that shows, and also documents, work done over the past decade by artists loosely associated with Fluxus; 2. Presentation of contemporary works, in the shape of actions, events, performances and objects. A truly international coterie of artists came to the UK to make special appearances at various stages of FLUXSHOE. Performances and events were different at each of these stages, dependent on who was present to contribute in person and on the unique qualities of each gallery and location" (Modern Art Oxford, «The Archive. Fluxshoe 1973», CHANNEL, 1 marzo 2016).