ROTH Dieter
[pseudonimi: Dieter Rot e Diter Rot] (Hannover 1930 - Basilea 1998)
Gesammelte Werke Band 1 / Collected Works Volume 1 - 2 Bilderbücher - Versionen der im Forlag Ed Reykjavik 1957 erschienenen Bücher / 2 Picture Books - Versions of the books published by Forlag Ed Reykjavik 1957
Luogo: Stuttgart - London - Reykiavik
Editore: Edition Hansjörg Mayer
Stampatore: senza indicazione dello stampatore
Anno: 1976 [settembre/ottobre]
Legatura: scatola in cartoncino
Dimensioni: 23,5x26,5x4 cm.
Pagine: N. D.
Descrizione: una riproduzione in bianco e nero e titoli in nero su fondo verdino al piatto e al retro della scatola. Opera pubblicata nel 1976 come primo volume una ambiziosa collana progettata dall'editore Hansjorg Mayer che intendeva ristampare di tutti i libri d'artista di Dieter Roth, La scatola contiene un foglio di cm 23x23 stampato in bianco e nero con il frontespizio e il colophon e due libri d’artista che riproducono in facsimile i primi due progetti di Roth realizzati Reykjavik negli anni Cinquanta (1954-1957). Il primo volume, intitolato “Kinderbuch”, è rilegato con una spirale ed è costituito da ventotto pagine non numerate illustrate con figure geometriche colorate variamente fustellate. Il secondo, intitolato “Bilderbuch” è costituito da un contenitore in cartone a doppio anello e 23 pagine in cartoncino bianco e fogli in acetato colorati perforati per l’archiviazione e variamente fustellate. Tiratura di 1000 esemplari. Edizione originale.
Bibliografia: Dobke 2004: pag. 147; Joosten - Roettig 2018: pp. 112--113; Moeglin Delcroix 2011: pag. 19;
Prezzo: € 900ORDINA / ORDER
Contenuto della scatola:
1. Frontespizio e colophon, foglio 23x23 cm., stampa in bianco e nero.
2. «Kinderbuch», 22,5x23,5 cm., legatura a spirale, 28 pagine n.n. con figure geometriche a colori variamente fustellate.
3. «Bilderbuch», 22,5x25,3 cm., contenitore in cartone a doppio anello, 23 pagine in cartoncino bianco e acetato in vari colori, perforate per l'archiviazione e variamente fustellate.
TRANSLATION: ROTH Dieter [pseudonims: Dieter Rot e Diter Rot] (Hannover 1930 - Basel 1998), Gesammelte Werke Band 1 / Collected Works Volume 1 - 2 Bilderbücher - Versionen der im Forlag Ed Reykjavik 1957 erschienenen Bücher / 2 Picture Books - Versions of the books published by Forlag Ed Reykjavik 1957, Stuttgart - London - Reykiavik, Edition Hansjörg Mayer, [no printer], 1976 [September/October], 23.5x26.5x4 cm., cardboard box, b/w printing and black title on light green background on front and back. Published in 1976 as the intended first volume of an ambitious project of the publisher Hansjorg Mayer, who wished to reprint all Dieter Roth’s artist’s books. The box contains a leaf of 23x23 cm., where title page and colophon are printed in b/w, and two facsimile of the first two works by Roth, originally published in Reykjavik in the 50s (1954-1957). The first volume, “Kinderbuch”, is composed by 28 unn. pages spiral-bound and geometrical shapes are depicted in several colour and die-cut in different ways. The second one “Bilderbuch” is a 2-ring binder containing 23 white light cardboard pages and acetate leaves in different colours, variously die-cut and pierced to fit in the binder. Issue of 1000 copies. First edition. [Bibliography: Delcroix 2011: pag. 19; Dobke 2004: pag. 147]. € 750
Box content: 1. Title page and colophon, b/w printing on 23x23 cm. leaf. 2. «Kinderbuch», 22.5x23.5 cm., 28 unn. pp., spiral bound, depicting geometrical shapes in different colours and die-cut in different ways. 3. «Bilderbuch», 22.5x25.3 cm., 2-ring binder, 23 white light cardboard and variously coloured acetate pages, die-cut in different ways and pierced to fit in the binder.
TRANSLATION: ROTH Dieter [pseudonims: Dieter Rot e Diter Rot] (Hannover 1930 - Basel 1998), Gesammelte Werke Band 1 / Collected Works Volume 1 - 2 Bilderbücher - Versionen der im Forlag Ed Reykjavik 1957 erschienenen Bücher / 2 Picture Books - Versions of the books published by Forlag Ed Reykjavik 1957, Stuttgart - London - Reykiavik, Edition Hansjörg Mayer, [no printer], 1976 [September/October], 23.5x26.5x4 cm., cardboard box, b/w printing and black title on light green background on front and back. Published in 1976 as the intended first volume of an ambitious project of the publisher Hansjorg Mayer, who wished to reprint all Dieter Roth’s artist’s books. The box contains a leaf of 23x23 cm., where title page and colophon are printed in b/w, and two facsimile of the first two works by Roth, originally published in Reykjavik in the 50s (1954-1957). The first volume, “Kinderbuch”, is composed by 28 unn. pages spiral-bound and geometrical shapes are depicted in several colour and die-cut in different ways. The second one “Bilderbuch” is a 2-ring binder containing 23 white light cardboard pages and acetate leaves in different colours, variously die-cut and pierced to fit in the binder. Issue of 1000 copies. First edition. [Bibliography: Delcroix 2011: pag. 19; Dobke 2004: pag. 147]. € 750
Box content: 1. Title page and colophon, b/w printing on 23x23 cm. leaf. 2. «Kinderbuch», 22.5x23.5 cm., 28 unn. pp., spiral bound, depicting geometrical shapes in different colours and die-cut in different ways. 3. «Bilderbuch», 22.5x25.3 cm., 2-ring binder, 23 white light cardboard and variously coloured acetate pages, die-cut in different ways and pierced to fit in the binder.