(Portland 1930 - Cape Fear River in Wilmington 2009)
Meat Show - an Environment - by Robert Delford Brown at the Washington Meat Market
Luogo: (New York)
Editore: s. ed. [a cura dell'autore]
Stampatore: senza indicazione dello stampatore
Anno: s.d. [ottobre 1964]
Legatura: volantino stampato al solo recto
Dimensioni: 15x22,8 cm.
Pagine: N. D.
Descrizione: testo accompagnato da una piccola immagine costituita dal montaggio di un disegno con una fotografia di chirurgia dentale. Stampa in nero su fondo bianco. Invito originale dell'happening (New York, 23 - 25 ottobre 1964).
Bibliografia: N. D.
Prezzo: € 70ORDINA / ORDER
Lo scandaloso «Meat Show» di Robert Delford Brown si tenne a New York dal 23 al 25 ottobre 1964. L'installazione era costituita da migliaia di chili di carne cruda, carcasse di manzo, agnello e maiale in lingerie dentro una enorme cella frigorifera divisa in camere da letto. I partecipanti arrivavano in limousine nel quartiere del mercato della carne di Manhattan, divenuto improvvisamente uno dei luoghi più alla moda di New York, e per vedere la mostra indossavano i cappotti dato che la temperatura era tenuta costantemente a 38 gradi Fahrenheit. L'artista definì l'happening “the grand opening service” della sua nuova chiesa, e l'inaugurazione fu commentata dai giornali di tutto il mondo. Il Sunday Telegraph di Londra lo definì "the world’s most perishable art show”, e Delford Brown rilasciava al Sun Herald di Sidney questa dichiarazione: "Most of this meat will go bad in a few days, which makes the whole exhibition more exciting" (Gran parte di questa carne marcirà nel giro di pochi giorni, il che rende tutta la mostra assai più eccitante).
Per l'occasione fu pubblicato in un altro volantino il seguente comunicato stampa: Testo: "Meat Show, an environment by Robert Delford Brown, will be presented in a meat cooler in the Washington Meat Market at 447 West 13 Street, New York City, friday, Oct. 23, 1964 - 5 to 9 p.m., saturday, Oct. 24, 1 to 6 p.m., and sunday, Oct. 25, 1 to 6 p.m. The Meat Show will be the grand opening service of the «First National Church of the Exquisite Panic». Mr. Robert Delford Brown is the founder and leader of this new religion. He states: «I am attempting to bring religion, sex and art into the same vital relationship that existed prior to the degenerative plague that Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Moses, Gautama Buddha, and Lao-Tse visited upon humanity. The Meat Show will be created to induce startling spiritual, sexual, and aesthetic revelations in the viewer. It is my belief that even the most totally bereft wrectch will be jolted into some kind of consciousness when confronted by the fearsomely beautiful sight of tons of meat, gallons of blood, hundreds of yards of lingerie fabric and other sights as yet undisclosed, which will be prganized into a harmonious and ispirational work of art». The temperature of the cooler will be 38 degrees F. It is suggested that heavy clothing be worn, but blankets will be furnished to those who request them. Admission is 75 cents. Mr. Brown may be reached at 516-487-7294".
Per l'occasione fu pubblicato in un altro volantino il seguente comunicato stampa: Testo: "Meat Show, an environment by Robert Delford Brown, will be presented in a meat cooler in the Washington Meat Market at 447 West 13 Street, New York City, friday, Oct. 23, 1964 - 5 to 9 p.m., saturday, Oct. 24, 1 to 6 p.m., and sunday, Oct. 25, 1 to 6 p.m. The Meat Show will be the grand opening service of the «First National Church of the Exquisite Panic». Mr. Robert Delford Brown is the founder and leader of this new religion. He states: «I am attempting to bring religion, sex and art into the same vital relationship that existed prior to the degenerative plague that Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Moses, Gautama Buddha, and Lao-Tse visited upon humanity. The Meat Show will be created to induce startling spiritual, sexual, and aesthetic revelations in the viewer. It is my belief that even the most totally bereft wrectch will be jolted into some kind of consciousness when confronted by the fearsomely beautiful sight of tons of meat, gallons of blood, hundreds of yards of lingerie fabric and other sights as yet undisclosed, which will be prganized into a harmonious and ispirational work of art». The temperature of the cooler will be 38 degrees F. It is suggested that heavy clothing be worn, but blankets will be furnished to those who request them. Admission is 75 cents. Mr. Brown may be reached at 516-487-7294".