[Richard Carter Higgins] (Cambridge, Inghilterra 1938 - Québec, Canada 1998)
Thirteen Serious Considerations
Luogo: New York
Editore: edizione a cura dell'autore
Stampatore: senza indicazione dello stampatore
Anno: 1978
Legatura: busta di colore giallo con chiusura metallica
Dimensioni: 10x16,4 cm.
Pagine: N. D.
Descrizione: titolo e copyright impressi con timbro bleu a fronte e sul retro. La busta contiene 15 cartoline con testo in nero di cui 13 di colore giallo e 2 bianco, di grandezza variabile di circa 8x14 cm. Una delle 13 cartoline gialle è doppia. Una linguetta della chiusura metallica si trova staccata all'interno della busta. Edizione originale.
Bibliografia: Archivio della Fondazione Luigi Bonotto: Code 0186E
Prezzo: € 200ORDINA / ORDER
Le cartoline recano al retro l'intestazione: «Dich Higgins - PO Box 842 - Canal Street Station - New York, NY 10013» e il copyright: «Copyright 1978 by Richard C. Higgins». Le due cartoline di colore bianco non recano copyright al retro. A fronte è stampato un testo. Elenco dettagliato:
- Seven Stars for English Professors.
- Program of Events: Sphincterist Movement.
- Can a work be its own symbol?
- Reality = reality + unreality.
- When you influence yourself in order to match your self-image, what becomes of your freedom? Which is more crucial to your inner life? [2 esemplari]
- Outline for a System.
- The word is not dead. It is merely changing its skin.
- The meaning of an art work is its implications. Lacking those it lacks its essence, anc cannot achieve its social, emotional or intellectual impact. The good critic points to the implications and does not play doctor with the artist.
- Can you experience a work, even though you understand it?
- Tell a thing. Translate it. Let others translate it too. Destroy the original. What have you destroyed? What remains?
- Premonitions. The empty cup contains the empty cup. And the word?
- When you get in your own way, which of you is doing which? And which is experiencing it? - Friends: Please don't confuse the terms «Post-Modern» and «Post-Cognitive»... (cartolina di colore bianco)
- This is the Pre-Sphincterist Period in our Arts and Culture. Sphincterism will be launched next november, when its sensibility emerges.
- Seven Stars for English Professors.
- Program of Events: Sphincterist Movement.
- Can a work be its own symbol?
- Reality = reality + unreality.
- When you influence yourself in order to match your self-image, what becomes of your freedom? Which is more crucial to your inner life? [2 esemplari]
- Outline for a System.
- The word is not dead. It is merely changing its skin.
- The meaning of an art work is its implications. Lacking those it lacks its essence, anc cannot achieve its social, emotional or intellectual impact. The good critic points to the implications and does not play doctor with the artist.
- Can you experience a work, even though you understand it?
- Tell a thing. Translate it. Let others translate it too. Destroy the original. What have you destroyed? What remains?
- Premonitions. The empty cup contains the empty cup. And the word?
- When you get in your own way, which of you is doing which? And which is experiencing it? - Friends: Please don't confuse the terms «Post-Modern» and «Post-Cognitive»... (cartolina di colore bianco)
- This is the Pre-Sphincterist Period in our Arts and Culture. Sphincterism will be launched next november, when its sensibility emerges.