(Omaha, Nebraska 1937)
Twentysix Gasoline Stations
Luogo: Alhambra California
Editore: Edward Ruscha
Stampatore: The Cunningham Press
Anno: 1962 (ma 1969)
Legatura: brossura, sovraccopertina in carta pergamenata trasparente originale
Dimensioni: 17,8x14 cm.
Pagine: pp. (48)
Descrizione: copertina tipografica con titoli stampati in rosso. Libro d'artista illustrato con 26 immagini fotografiche in bianco e nero di Edward Ruscha. "(...) His first book, Twentysix Gasoline Stations, was an uncompromising, nonliterary book in which the images did not simply enhance a text. This slinght volume was an artwork that utilized the commonplace codex book form. in time this book, and others by Ruscha and his successors acquired the appellation «artist's book». This phrase was adopted partly as simple description and partly to distinguish such seemingly ordinary books from luxury books.” (Engeber - Philipot). Un piccolo timbro al frontespizio di collezione privata tedesca. Tiratura di 500 copie non numerate. Terza edizione.
Bibliografia: Engber - Phillpot 2001; pp. 15, 16, 19, 58, da 60 a 64, 68, 71, 74
Prezzo: € 1500ORDINA / ORDER