(Görlitz 1943)
Working notes Aantekeningen
Luogo: Otterlo
Editore: Rijksmuseum Kröller-Müller
Stampatore: Lecturis
Anno: 1980
Legatura: brossura
Dimensioni: 20x16,3 cm
Pagine: pp. [44]
Descrizione: libro d'artista con copertina tipografica e illustrato con testi e poetici dell’artista stampati su pagine in carta bianca patinata e carta velina seguite da numerose pagine con elaborazioni grafiche lineari. Tiratura non dichiarata. Prima edizione.
Bibliografia: N. D.
Prezzo: € 80ORDINA / ORDER
"Playing with the visible and the invisible, with the sequences, rhythms and the silences, this book is a continuous conversation between the artist, Maria Nordman, and the lector. Using the same parameters that communication system uses, she creates an exchange of information between language and symbols, sometimes with words that shout and sometimes keeping it quiet. Interspersed English and Dutch, list of words, notes and empty pages, Nordman talks about the memory in constant movement, something that is a constant in her works. «Working notes» is representative of her work and it is at the same time a piece of art in itself.” (Collection M HKA, Antwerp)